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What's up ?

OpenFlyers in Saint-Malo from 28 to 30 March 2025

26 Fév 2025

OpenFlyers will be present at the General Meeting of the Fédération Française Aéronautique, to be held at the Palais des Congrès in Saint-Malo from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 March 2025.

OpenFlyers à Saint-Malo du 28 au 30 mars 2025

Validity certification: one deadline can hide another

7 Jan 2025

Until now, when a new expiry date was entered on a certified validity, the latter was no longer considered valid until it was re-certified. From now on, the old validity will remain valid until the new validity is certified.

Certification des validités : une échéance peut en cacher une autre

Display of activities carried out in the booking schedule

20 Déc 2024

It is now possible to have an overview of the activities actually carried out compared with the bookings made. This makes it possible to analyse quickly and in detail the consistency between actual and forecast figures.

Affichage des activités réalisées dans le planning de réservation

Video tutorials for the training follow-up module

6 Nov 2024

OpenFlyers has just posted 2 major tutorials on its YouTube channel, describing how to use and configure the training follow-up module.

Tutoriels vidéos pour le module de suivi des formations

Non-validated accounting entry alerts and mass validation function

16 Oct 2024

To make it easier to manage accounting entries on a platform, OpenFlyers has added an alert to inform you when there are entries that have not been validated for more than 30 days, and at the same time provides an action for mass validation of all entries.

Alertes écritures comptables non validées et fonction de validation en masse

Secure online payment for external bookings

26 Sep 2024

As soon as an organisation has an OpenFlyers platform coupled with an electronic payment terminal, it is now possible to configure its platform to provide a complete external booking interface with credit card validation.

Sécurisation des réservations externes par paiement en ligne

Income statement generation

20 Jui 2024

The OpenFlyers accounting module has been expanded to include a function for generating the profit and loss account for a given year.

Compte de résultat

Looking for users to test OpenFlyers Android app

23 Juin 2024

We're looking for around a hundred users to preview the OpenFlyers Android app, in order to validate the different types of use on the hundreds of OpenFlyers platforms before its large-scale deployment.

Recherchons utilisateurs pour tester appli Android OpenFlyers

OpenFlyers training booklet

16 Mai 2024

At the request of client organisations using the OpenFlyers training booklet, we have just added the "summary table" functionality, which makes it possible to see at a glance a student's entire progress by training phase. This is an opportunity to present this training monitoring module.

Livret de progression OpenFlyers

Limiting the number of administrators per platform

8 Avr 2024

Platforms with more than 3 administrators are 10 times more likely to have a configuration problem. With this in mind, we have added a limit of 3 "level 6" administrators.

Limitation du nombre d’administrateurs par plateforme

OpenFlyers in Poitiers from 22 to 24 March 2024

9 Mar 2024

OpenFlyers will be present at the Annual Assembly of the French Aeronautical Federation, to be held at the Futuroscope Convention Centre from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 March 2024.

OpenFlyers à Poitiers du 22 au 24 mars 2024

Setting up floors and ceilings for encashment

27 Fév 2024

It is now possible to define a minimum and/or maximum amount for each type of encashment in the settings interface redesigned for this occasion.

Paramétrage des planchers et plafonds pour les encaissements

OpenFlyers makes end-of-year operations easier

19 Déc 2023

Whether for statistics, accounting, renewal of validities (membership, federal licenses), OpenFlyers simplifies your life in operations at the end of the year and the start of the following year.

OpenFlyers facilite les opérations de fin d’année

New ephemeris block

20 Nov 2023

We have redesigned the ephemeris block so that it takes up less space and can therefore be displayed next to the datetime bar on large screens. On the small screen, it slides above the date.

Nouveau cartouche éphéméride

Drag and drop on touch screen

19 Oct 2023

Following the implementation last September of drag and drop using the mouse, OpenFlyers added the same function of moving reservations from the planning interface, this time on a touch screen.

Glisser-déposer sur écran tactile

Move reservations with a single click

15 Sep 2023

With the aim of simplifying the updating of reservations, it is now possible for a user to move their own reservations on the planning to change the time and/or resource by simply dragging and dropping. The same goes for managers who thus save time in managing schedules.

Déplacer les réservations par simple clic

Automatic entry of flights with Click & Take off

27 Aoû 2023

OpenFlyers now interfaces with the Click & Take off API to allow structures that so wish to automate the recovery of flight block data.

Interfaçage ClickAndTakeoff

Multiple attachments for the Mailing function

23 Jui 2023

It is possible to add several attachments when sending an email with the Mailing function.

Pièces jointes multiples pour la fonction Mailing

Aggregation of the structure's bank accounts

14 Juin 2023

The person in charge of a structure's accounting can now eliminate the recurring task of importing bank statements by entrusting this task to the OpenFlyers robot thanks to the new account aggregation function.

Agrégation des comptes bancaires

OpenFlyers 20th anniversary: collect your gift in Clermont

21 Mar 2023

20 years already! To mark OpenFlyers steps' in a third decade, a gift awaits you on the OpenFlyers stand during the FFA General Assembly in Clermont-Ferrand this weekend from March 24 to 26, 2023.

20 ans cadeau AG FFA

Aeral Export

17 Déc 2022

In the OpenFlyers reports a new module appears: the Aeral Export.

It allows not only to gather on a single interface all the tables necessary to fill in the Aeral form of the DGAC, but it also allows to send automatically or manually the data to the SMILE tool of the French Aeronautical Federation.

Export Aeral

Control email alerts

17 Nov 2022

OpenFlyers platform managers can set up e-mail alerts for themselves, for users or for other categories of managers. The setting up of e-mail alerts for validations pending certification is an opportunity to take stock of the different categories of alerts and their management in order to avoid burdening messaging systems with useless e-mails while being informed of situations requiring treatment.

Piloter les alertes par email

Google Calendar synchronization

12 Oct 2022

Now, OpenFlyers can automatically synchronise appointments linked to reservations with a personal Google Calendar.

Synchronisation Google Agenda

Automatic certification of the FFA licence

9 Aoû 2022

To certify a licence certificate, it is now possible to activate the API synchronisation while allowing its upload on the OpenFlyers platform.

Certification automatique de la licence FFA

Securing of the external booking module

27 Jui 2022

The external booking module was initially developed to meet the needs of the Fly Academy client. Recently, a new client, SUPER.AERO, asked us to secure the booking of external appointments with their e-commerce site in order to be sure that the blocking of an aircraft corresponds to a purchase made by an end customer. This security consists of synchronising the external reservations with the client's e-commerce module.

Sécurisation du module de réservation externe

Tutorial video presenting the import of a bank statement.

24 Juin 2022

On OpenFlyers, the import of a bank statement is a fastidious action which generates many entries that it can be tedious to delete by hand in case of bad import. In order to make these imports easier, we have made a tutorial video that presents the import of a bank statement and explains the essential steps to be taken beforehand.

Tutorial video showing how to open new tabs

24 Mai 2022

When using OpenFlyers, it can be wise to open several pages of the platform at the same time in several different tabs so as not to lose the main page you are on. We have therefore made a tutorial video that presents its use in OpenFlyers.

Tutorial video presenting the closing of an accounting

11 Avr 2022

The closing of an accounting is an important and irreversible action on OpenFlyers. To facilitate this action, we have made a video that presents the closing of an accounting step by step.

2022 FFA General Assembly

11 Mar 2022

OpenFlyers will be present at the General Assembly of the French Aeronautical Federation, taking place at the Exhibition and Congress Centre in Dijon on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 March 2022.

Assemblée générale 2022 de la FFA

New graphical interface for the flow entry form

10 Mar 2022

OpenFlyers is evolving its graphical interface of the flow entry form.

Nouvelle interface graphique du formulaire de saisie d’un flux

Tutorial video presenting the lettering of accounting entries

18 Fév 2022

To further facilitate this lettering work and save additional time, OpenFlyers adds a "basket" to this functionality. We have therefore made a video tutorial to present this new lettering functionality.

New lettering of accounting entries

18 Fév 2022

OpenFlyers enriches its lettering functionality by adding a "basket" of pending entries. This makes it possible to letter entries that appear in different views.

Nouveau lettrage des écritures comptables

Display of available places

16 Déc 2021

A new pictogram has been added to the OpenFlyers booking schedule to indicate available seats.

Places disponibles

Replacement of comboboxes with auto-complete fields

10 Nov 2021

OpenFlyers is evolving its graphical interface by replacing its old "combo boxes", comboboxes in computer language, with new ones that include an auto-completion mechanism.

Champs à auto-complétion

OpenFlyers data counter: our servers respond to your servers

14 Sep 2021

OpenFlyers API is now in production. Based on the OAuth 2.0 protocol, it allows the implementation of single sign-on (SSO) for customers with a member area or a customer area requiring authentication as well as pulling data from generic and personalized reports.

API OpenFlyers

Integrated mailing list

13 Jui 2021

Now, in addition to the mailing function present in OpenFlyers, it is possible to create a mailing list and manage subscriptions and publication rights directly from each OpenFlyers platform.

Liste de diffusion intégrée

Tutorial vidéo showing the creation of a sandbox platform

1 Juin 2021

Version 4 of OpenFlyers allows to make a copy of the data from the main platform to the sandbox platform at a specific time. This copy allows to perform tests and modifications on the sandbox platform without compromising the data of the main platform. We have therefore made a tutorial video that describes step by step the creation of this sandbox platform.

Record of processing activities

25 Mai 2021

Using the management dashboard OpenFlyers data as a personal record of processing activities to control compliance with the GDPR of its structure.

Registre de traitement de données

Deletion obsolete data

3 Mai 2021

OpenFlyers now offers a feature that allows both a simple and powerful tool to manage compliance with the GDPR and also to contribute to sustainable development: the removal of obsolete data.

Suppression des données obsolètes

External booking interface

17 Sep 2020

OpenFlyers now offers aeronautical structures a reservation module intended for external customers, ie the general public. This is to allow a person who has no connection with the structure to be able to make a reservation online in total autonomy. This is suitable, for example, for first flights, otherwise known as "discovery flights" for flying clubs or for one-off flights that may be offered by ULMs or on-demand flight companies.

Interface de réservations extérieures

Disabling the sale of a validity

4 Aoû 2020

Certain validities are for sale: their attribution to a user generates an invoicing for the latter. It may be necessary to assign a validity to a user without being charged for it. For example, when a pilot arrives during the year and he has already paid for his federal license in his previous structure, it should not be billed to him by the new structure. It is now easy to assign a validity or renew a validity without selling it thanks to the function of disengaging this sale.

Débrayage de la vente d’une validité

Interfacing with Skyzen

24 Juin 2020

By interfacing with Skyzen, OpenFlyers offers to go beyond its maintenance monitoring module. Indeed, Skyzen is a real airworthiness monitoring software, in the sense that it follows the instructions issued by the authorities (CN, AD, etc.) and that it updates the maintenance programs of each aircraft accordingly . Skyzen is web software, like OpenFlyers, which allows it, like OpenFlyers, to offer competitive prices compared to PC software while offering a solution accessible from anywhere and by any authorized person.


Skyzen can be used in two separate settings:

• that of the Part M Light defined by EASA since March 23, 2020 and which eliminates the need for an approved workshop to monitor aircraft if their maximum take-off mass is less than 2,730 kg;

• that of Part M, which distributes actions between the workshop, more precisely the CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization) part, and the aeronautical structure.

Interfaçage avec Skyzen

Multiple images for validities

4 Juin 2020

We are continuing to develop the validity management module by now proposing to be able to associate several images with a validity. The goal is to allow the front and back, for example, of the same document to be stored separately.

Images multiples pour les validités

Delete or deactivate validity types

12 Mai 2020

For more than a year, you have been able to create contract validities. It is actually a question, via the configuration interface of the types of validities, of creating validities with documents to be signed. Now, when the need to have a document signed is no longer required, there are 2 possibilities: either to deactivate the type of validity to keep the history of signatures, or to completely delete the type of validity, which makes the user lose 'historical. This choice is possible for all types of validity and not only contract validity.

Suppression ou désactivation des types de validités

Lettering of accounting entries

8 Avr 2020

OpenFlyers includes a module for importing bank statements. By using this module, managers of a structure save time and avoid data entry errors. Therefore, the accounting work essentially consists of reconciling the entries and controlling the automatically generated accounts. To facilitate this work, new functionalities have just appeared: manual lettering of accounting entries, semi-automatic lettering and automatic lettering when importing bank statements.

Lettrage des écritures comptables

Collaborative list of aerodromes

26 Fév 2020

The list of aerodromes available on OpenFlyers version 4 platforms can now be updated directly by end users. The OpenFlyers robot cross-checks the reporting of a missing aerodrome with the official ICAO and FFPLUM databases and, if necessary, adds the aerodrome to all platforms.

Liste collaborative des aérodromes

New navigation menu

23 Jan 2020

OpenFlyers is regularly enriched with new features. The navigation menu intensifies in order to access these new pages. Its design, dating back several years, no longer allowed quick access to the many pages making up the platforms. This is why we have completely redesigned the menu. This provides clearer and more ergonomic navigation.

Nouveau menu de navigation

Simplifying user deactivation

28 Nov 2019

With the setting up of the automatic sending of reminders for expiring validities, users can request the stop of these sendings by indicating that they are no longer a client / member of the structure. Also, it became necessary to simplify the deactivation of the users.

Simplification de la désactivation des utilisateurs

OpenFlyers Interfacing with KeyGuard key cabinets

3 Oct 2019

KeyGuard key cabinets, formerly marketed by BKS, are still widely used in many structures. This is why OpenFlyers has implemented the interfacing of these key cabinets with its platforms, as part of the access control functionalities.

Interfaçage OpenFlyers avec les armoires à clés KeyGuard

Nouveau module de suivi de maintenance

21 Aoû 2019

OpenFlyers renews its maintenance tracking module. Previously accessible via an external spreadsheet, it is now fully usable in platforms. This module makes it possible to record all the maintenance of the aircraft, whether the visits (visit of the 50 hours, etc.) or the interventions carried out on the mechanical components (altimeter, candles, etc.).

Nouveau module de suivi de maintenance

Mass recalculation of proforma invoices related to activities

11 Jui 2019

Sometimes activities are entered with un-updated billing rules. When the update is done, the billing of activities already entered must be brought into compliance. Until then, the manager had to edit the activities concerned one by one in order to apply the new tariff. This small mistake, although rare, could generate a significant additional workload. From now on, it is possible to recalculate the billing of all these activities in three clicks.

Recalcul en masse des factures « brouillard » liées aux activités

Automatic flight retreiving with Charterware

12 Juin 2019

OpenFlyers, in partnership with the German company Charterware, is deploying a solution based on a permanently installed housing in each aircraft. It automatically retrieves block and airborne times and automatically saves flights in OpenFlyers. It is also possible to have the "GPS track" of each flight, useful in particular for training pilots. This tool frees pilots from entering their flights and makes flight information more accurate, including accurate countdown of landings and touch-and-goes. Finally, it traces the hard landings.

Récupération automatique des vols avec Charterware

Import bank statements and automatic charging

22 Mai 2019

It is now possible to import bank statements and automatically generate accounting flows according to settable charging rules. For structural managers, this innovation represents a significant reduction in the time spent on accounting and a drastic reduction in the risk of errors.

Import des relevés bancaires et imputation automatique

Reversal of an accounting entry

24 Avr 2019

In the daily life of a structure, it is sometimes essential to cancel a sale, for example to refund a user who returns unsatisfactory equipment. The pure and simple deletion of an accounting entry is prohibited. Entry reversal offers a solution authorized by the law by canceling the concerned entry by writing it in the opposite direction.

Contrepasser une écriture comptable

Certification of validities and contract-validities

27 Mar 2019

The validity management module has just been enriched with two new concepts: certification of validity and contract-validity.

Certification des validités et validités-contrats

2019 FFA General Assembly

6 Mar 2019

OpenFlyers will be present at the General Assembly of the Féderation Française Aéronautique, taking place at the Espace Encan in La Rochelle from Friday 29 to Sunday March 31, 2019.

Assemblée générale 2019 de la FFA

Automated entering of supplier invoices

23 Jan 2019

The entry of supplier invoices is now done with greater speed and less risk of error. The OpenFlyers robot detects, on an invoice downloaded on the platform, the amount and the date. Then he automatically enters this data instead of the user. If the detection is not done, the user guides the robot so that it assimilates the new format. Learning benefits all OpenFlyers platforms.

Happy new year 2009

1 Jan 2019
Bonne année 2019

Storage of validities and customizable blocking message

20 Déc 2018

OpenFlyers extends the function of document storage to validities. Since last September, with OpenFlyers 4, it is possible to store documents related to resources or supplier invoices. From now on, it is also possible to dematerialize the storage of the documents corresponding to the validities of the users.

Stockage des validités et message de blocage personnalisable

Invoicing: grouping sales by customer and sending automatically by email

31 Oct 2018

New automation features are available in OpenFlyers. It is now possible to consolidate a customer's purchases into one invoice. When combined with the periodic billing feature, grouping is a powerful tool for lightening a structure's accounting tasks.

Facturation : regroupement des ventes par client et envoi automatique par email

Document storage

19 Sep 2018

The management of a structure is based on software tools and a set of documents of all kinds, in connection with its activity. OpenFlyers connects these two axes with its cloud document storage feature. First Price and above users now have storage space included at no extra cost in their subscription.

Stockage de documents

E-mail alerts based on reserved activity type

22 Aoû 2018

OpenFlyers e-mail alerts transmit real-time bookings made to the managers of a structure. Being notified of each reservation could be an information overload and therefore a waste of time. It is now possible to receive alerts only for the desired activities.

Alertes e-mail en fonction de l’activité réservée

Preparing a flight with OpenFlyers and Airmate

5 Jui 2018

Preparing for a flight is not just about booking an aircraft. It is also to study the route and, in the short term, to take knowledge of the meteorological conditions. OpenFlyers has an exclusive partnership with Airmate that allows it to interface with this free flight preparation solution. This allows us today to offer users the best of aeronautical booking and an innovative tool for planning and tracking flight.

Préparer un vol avec OpenFlyers et Airmate

View activities on the dynamic booking schedule

25 Avr 2018

The dynamic booking schedule of OpenFlyers now allows to visualize the "realized" (activities in general and flights in particular) in addition to the "programmed" (reservations). The comparison between activities actually carried out with regard to planned reservations is thus immediate. This new feature would not have been complete without the ability to see at a glance the current activities. It's done: the availability of each resource is reported in real time.

Affichage des activités sur le planning de réservation dynamique

2018 FFA General Assembly

21 Mar 2018

OpenFlyers will be present at the General Assembly of the Féderation Française Aéronautique, taking place at the Palais des Congrès Chanot in Marseille 23th Friday to Sunday, March 25, 2018.

Assemblée générale 2018 de la FFA

HTTPS protocol upgrade to TLS 1.2

14 Mar 2018

Many of you are questioning us following emails received from your banks regarding the shutdown of the TLS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols and the obligation to switch to the TLS 1.2 protocol. These emails are sent by banks that have set up a Virtual Electronic Payment Terminal (TPE) for our customers. They require that the servers with which they perform exchanges use only the TLS 1.2 protocol in order not to create a known security vulnerability. In order to meet this requirement, we updated our servers a few weeks ago to the TLS 1.2 standard.

Mise à niveau du protocole HTTPS en TLS 1.2

Light interface/dynamic interface, pictograms "alpha" and "N"

7 Mar 2018

Two interfaces are available to OpenFlyers 4 clients. This is the light interface and the dynamic interface. The former is particularly suitable for structures in areas with a slow Internet connection and the second is suitable for terminals with a broadband connection, because of the large amount of script-related data to add the layer of data. dynamic interaction. Currently the dynamic interface is in alpha version because it implements as the features of the lightweight interface and its ergonomics is not fixed.

Interface légère/interface dynamique, pictos « alpha » et « N »

Default settings for a report

28 Fév 2018

OpenFlyers provides its users with a powerful reporting tool through its library of reports. Each report is configurable to obtain a data extraction corresponding to the need of the structure. This is done simply by means of check boxes or drop-down menus. It is now possible to memorize the chosen options and, thus, to define the default parameters of a given report.

Paramètres par défaut d’un rapport donné

Closing of the accounts 2017

31 Jan 2018

Like every year, the beginning of the year is the closing period of accounting. For this closing to happen in the best conditions, the key word is: "No rush!"

Clôture de la comptabilité 2017

Aeral statistics 2017

24 Jan 2018

At the beginning of the year, aeronautical structures are responsible for recording their statistics in the Aeral database. In 2018, registration is required from January 10th to March 10th. OpenFlyers users have a library of reports that allows them to get all the data to be reported in this database.

Statistiques Aeral 2017

Happy new year 2018!

10 Jan 2018
Bonne année 2018

Inalterability of accounting entries and payment receipts

20 Déc 2017

As of January 1, 2018, companies registering their customers' payments using accounting, management or cash register software will have to comply with new legal requirements: to guarantee inalterability, conservation and archiving of accounting entries. OpenFlyers platforms under version 4.2 now satisfy this new regulation while offering a new function to facilitate the cancellation of a bad entry and the automatic generation of receipts sent by email.

Inaltérabilité des écritures comptables et reçus de paiement

Reminder about automatic emails

16 Nov 2017

OpenFlyers has a notification system based on the automatic sending of emails. In this way, managers and users do not forget important information. For example, the booking reminder email informs the pilot that he has a reservation to make a flight.

Rappel sur l’envoi automatique des emails

Tutorial vidéo showing maintenance follow-up

18 Oct 2017

Version 4 of OpenFlyers includes, as an option, interfacing with on-line spreadsheets. The first one concerns "maintenance monitoring". It tracks the timelines of aircraft components, such as engine or propeller, based on its maintenance schedule. We have made a video tutorial to describe how it works.

OpenFlyers 4.1 launch

13 Sep 2017

The arrival of version 4 has enabled OpenFlyers users to benefit from new features. Initially, these were not all developed on version 3. Conversely, some key features of version 3 did not find their equivalent on version 4. It is now done , through version 4.1. It also allows you to browse freely between the old interface (version 3) and the new interface (version 4) in order to have access to all of OpenFlyers.

Lancement d’OpenFlyers 4.1

Feedback on July's survey

16 Aoû 2017

In order to complete the consolidation of our search engine, on which you can find more details in the news Creation of an aeronautical directory, the whole team of OpenFlyers thank you for having answered the associated questionnaire. We closed the survey. Here is a brief summary of your feedback.

Survey and creation of an aeronautical directory

6 Jui 2017

As you may have already noticed, we have added a search engine on our showcase site to make it easier for end-users to find the OpenFlyers platform of their structure ( Now, we want to go further by making this search engine a real aeronautical directory.

Sondage et création d’un annuaire aéronautique

Aérogligli comes in OpenFlyers

21 Juin 2017

Aérogligli offers on-line courses for the preparation of the theoretical exams for private aircraft pilot (PPL/A and LAPL/A) and for the Aeronautics Initiation Certificate (BIA). These e-learning courses are made up of theoretical courses and MCQs.

Aérogligli arrive sur OpenFlyers

Multiple electronic payment terminals

18 Mai 2017

Several electronic payment terminals can be linked to an OpenFlyers platform. This Internet payment functionality responds to the demand for structures charging their activities on several bank accounts.

TPE multiples

Free migration to the new interface

12 Avr 2017

Upon request, customers running version 3 can upgrade to OpenFlyers version 4. Migration allows you to benefit from the functionality of the new interface while maintaining access to the old interface. The fusion of the two interfaces is a way to take advantage of all the power of OpenFlyers.

Migration gratuite vers la nouvelle interface


9 Mar 2017

OpenFlyers spreadsheets are powerful tools for synthesis and control. They operate and combine data from one platform into a set of formulas to meet specific needs.


Interfacing OpenFlyers and iFly Innovation

8 Fév 2017

Couple flight times captured in OpenFlyers with a progress log? It is now possible thanks to the OpenFlyers/iFly Innovation partnership. IFly Innovation offers an on-line digital progression booklet. This one is customizable to conform to the training program specific to each flying club. Thus, each flight entered in OpenFlyers is imported into iFly Innovation in order to fit into the course of the training.

Interfaçage OpenFlyers/iFly Innovation

New features of the trombinoscope on OF3

12 Jan 2017

We have improved the trombinoscope on OpenFlyers version 3. This tool makes it possible to visualize all the users of a platform. These are identified either by a photograph or by a pictogram. Here's all you can do.

Nouvelles fonctionnalités du trombinoscope sur OF3

Payment at booking on OF4

30 Nov 2016

Version 4 of OpenFlyers consolidates the company's turnover by coupling the booking schedule with an electronic payment terminal (TPE). Test the demo by clicking on the Payment at booking thumbnail.

Paiement à la réservation sur OF4

Aeral statistics by aeronautic resource types

20 Oct 2016

We replaced the resource category aircraft by several more specific categories: Aircraft, Drone, Helicopter, Glider, Ultra-light motorized. This allows to generate reports for statistical Aeral distinguishing the total hours for each category.

Statistiques Aeral par type de ressource aéronautique

New interface for reports on OF3 and OF4

14 Sep 2016

Report generation has been completely redesigned on OF3 and OF4.

Nouvelle interface pour consulter les rapports sur OF3 et OF4

Sending email campaigns with OpenFlyers platforms

3 Aoû 2016

OpenFlyers now includes a mailing sending interface. This allows platform managers to transmit information to users selected with criteria.

Envoi de mailings depuis les plateformes OpenFlyers

OpenFlyers' team is expanding

6 Jui 2016

The increase of our resources allows us to increase our development team. Thus, Benjamin joined Johnny, Stéphane and Lydie in the development team OpenFlyers after a two-month internship during which he dealt successfully with the complete overhaul of the management of emails.

L’équipe d’OpenFlyers s’étoffe

New automatic email service on OpenFlyers 3.6 and 4

2 Juin 2016

Email acceptance criteria have significantly hardened in recent years to fight against the scourge of spam. Therefore, more and more electronic mail providers - Gmail first - rejected emails sent by OpenFlyers servers or classified them as "spam." So we decided to take completely creation chain emails sent automatically by OpenFlyers platforms in versions 3 and 4. On this occasion, OpenFlyers OpenFlyers 3.5 becomes OpenFlyers 3.6.

Les emails font peau neuve sur OpenFlyers 3.6 et 4

New phone number : commercial service

25 Mai 2016

The establishment of a new issue dedicated to commercial service enables contact OpenFlyers free for information on our solution. The request is either handled directly or by appointment with one of our account managers . the commercial service number: +33 5 35 54 58 18.

Nouveau numéro de téléphone : service commercial

New data center

21 Avr 2016

To accompany the growth of its business, OpenFlyers is equipped with a new data server, more efficient. Customers platforms are gaining speed and stability.

Nouveau serveur de données

FFA 2016 General Assembly

3 Mar 2016

OpenFlyers will be present at the 2016 General Assembly of the Féderation Française Aéronautique, taking place at the Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux Lac, 1st Friday to Sunday, April 3, 2016 .

Assemblée Générale de la FFA 2016

Sandbox extra platform for OpenFlyers 3.5+

11 Fév 2016

This feature allows a copy of a production platform to a sandbox platform for testing.

Plateforme supplémentaire “sandbox” pour les clients OpenFlyers 3.5 et supérieur