In order to complete the consolidation of our search engine, on which you can find more details in the news Creation of an aeronautical directory, the whole team of OpenFlyers thank you for having answered the associated questionnaire. We closed the survey. Here is a brief summary of your feedback.
You would like to see, in order of importance:
- The training offered by your organization (BIA, BB, PPL, IR, etc.)
- The types of aircraft you own in the structure
- The prices of your structure
- The air baptisms and the discovery flights proposed by your structure
- The email address of your structure
- The telephone number of your structure
- Address, city and postal code of your structure
- The number of aircraft you own in the structure
- The map with the location of your structure
- The url of your site showcase
Other points can be added for those who wish:
- The surname and first name of the person responsible for the structure
- The name, first name, position, qualifications and experience of the instructors
- GPS coordinates of your location
- Your social networks
You also gave suggestions in order of importance:
- The restaurants around the aero-club
- The photos of the aero-club
- Events / events of the year
- The VAC map of the aerodrome
- A taxi number
- The centers of interest around the aerodrome
Thanks to your return, OpenFlyers will be able to begin the development of its aeronautical directory so that it will be operational soon.
As a reminder, it will consist of individualized cards listing your key information.
The OpenFlyers team thanks you again for taking the time to answer our questionnaire and wish you an excellent summer!