KeyGuard key cabinets, formerly marketed by BKS, are still widely used in many structures. This is why OpenFlyers has implemented the interfacing of these key cabinets with its platforms, as part of the access control functionalities.

A key cabinet makes it possible to efficiently manage a fleet of aircraft or any other type of vehicle. The key of a vehicle is unlocked only during a defined period and if the user has the right to use it.
The cabinet is connected to a computer. On this computer, a program runs every minute in the background and retrieves user permissions for each key on the OpenFlyers platform of the structure. This makes it possible to check that the user wishing to access a resource (plane, ULM, car, etc.) is well authorized.
See keyguard key cabinet documentation:ôle-des-accès#Armoires-à-clés-KeyGuard-anciennement-commercialisées-par-BKS-électronique