It is now possible to have an overview of the activities actually carried out compared with the bookings made. This makes it possible to analyse quickly and in detail the consistency between actual and forecast figures.

By default, nothing changes on the OpenFlyers platforms apart from the appearance of a switch that controls the display of activity lines.
This switch is only visible to users who have the View all activities right. This right can be set for profiles in Admin > Users > Profiles, Activities tab.
To activate the display of activities on the schedule, this Display completed activities switch must be activated.
When this switch is activated, each resource line is split horizontally into two:
- the top line contains the bookings
- the bottom line contains the activities actually carried out
This makes it very easy to see the difference between the duration of the activity carried out and that of the reservation, as well as any gaps between the start/end of the activity and the reservation.
To disable the functionality completely, you need to:
- Go to Admin > Structure > Parameters > Activities
- Deactivate the Possible display of completed activities in the schedule switch
- Click on the Save button
Note that the activity information available to users is the same as for bookings. Access to the information depends on the rights View names on bookings, completed activities, and the user list and View activity names on bookings and completed activities.
The documentary references for this new feature are:és-de-tous