In the daily life of a structure, it is sometimes essential to cancel a sale, for example to refund a user who returns unsatisfactory equipment. The pure and simple deletion of an accounting entry is prohibited. Entry reversal offers a solution authorized by the law by canceling the concerned entry by writing it in the opposite direction.

To reverse an entry:
- The sale in question must have been validated (checked).
- Go to the list of movements: Admin › Accounts › Movements.
- In the Actions column, click on the Reverse flow.
In the Movements table, the original handwriting always appears. Below this, a line has been added with the wording in the Comment column: "Flow reversal of dd / mm / yyyy".
On the new line, the previously debited account is credited and vice versa. In the balance sheet, the result of these two operations is 0. But the transaction trace is maintained and the unalterability of the data is preserved.
Attention: the reversal does not apply to sales of validities and activities.
Documentation on the reversal of the entries:é#Contrepasser-une-écriture