Until now, when a new expiry date was entered on a certified validity, the latter was no longer considered valid until it was re-certified. From now on, the old validity will remain valid until the new validity is certified.

Almost 6 years ago, in March 2019, OpenFlyers introduced validation certification. The aim was to entrust end users with the task of entering their validations, while giving organisations the opportunity to check the information entered before it was actually taken into account by the OpenFlyers validation control engine.
On the strength of the module's success, and following the renewal of deadlines, the system showed its limitations: when a user entered a new deadline, for example for a medical check-up, the latter was no longer considered valid because it had the status of ‘awaiting certification’. This meant that facility managers had to act quickly to ensure that the users concerned were not restricted in their actions.
We therefore completely overhauled the way the validation control engine worked, taking advantage of the validation history that was already in place in OpenFlyers. So, to take the medical check-up example again, when the user updates their deadline, while the new deadline is not certified by a manager, the system continues to consider the old certified deadline and takes it into account to determine the actions available to the user.
In the user's validity table, the validity in question then appears with 2 deadlines: the one that is certified and the one that is awaiting certification.
In addition, the colour codes used have been completed: in addition to the red colour, which indicated that a validity was incomplete, expired or awaiting certification, an orange colour has now been added to indicate that a validity is awaiting certification BUT that it has another expiry date which is not expired and has been certified.
There is no doubt that this major change will enable managers, particularly volunteers, to carry out certification procedures without time pressure and therefore at their own convenience.
You can find a full description of the colour codes and examples in the ‘Validity status’ chapter: