To certify a licence certificate, it is now possible to activate the API synchronisation while allowing its upload on the OpenFlyers platform.

Until now, the certification of the licence certificate was done by uploading. Thus, each pilot licensed by the French Aeronautical Federation retrieves his certificate from the SMILE website which he then uploads to the OpenFlyers platform. The OpenFlyers robot analyses this PDF file and extracts :
- The user's licence number
- The user's first and last name
- The date of birth of the user
- The date of the beginning of validity of the FFA license
- The date of the end of validity of the FFA licence
- The presence of the "Basic Individual Accident Insurance" with the attribute "Yes".
This information enables it to validate that the document is compliant and corresponds to the user.
When the match is established, it updates the validity with the following data:
- The licence number
- The validity start date
- Validity end date
There is now a second possibility to certify a licence certificate. Thanks to the FFA license number entered in the validity of the user, the OpenFlyers robot directly queries the SMILE API of the FFA to check the validity of this license:
- If the licence is valid, the robot automatically certifies the validity by updating the expiry date of the validity to 31/12 of the year returned by the FFA API.
- If the licence is not valid, the robot automatically certifies the validity by updating the expiry date of the validity on 31/12 of the previous year to the current year.
Moreover, even when the API synchronisation option is activated, it is possible to upload the federal certificate. However, in this configuration, the "decoding" of the document by the OpenFlyers robot is disengaged since the certification is done by querying the SMILE API.
Documentation on automatic certification :és#Certification-automatique