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Secure online payment for external bookings

26 Sep 2024

As soon as an organisation has an OpenFlyers platform coupled with an electronic payment terminal, it is now possible to configure its platform to provide a complete external booking interface with credit card validation.

Sécurisation des réservations externes par paiement en ligne

After introducing the possibility for e-commerce sites to link up with OpenFlyers to enable external customers to book directly online, OpenFlyers is now including the first version of its own e-commerce module, enabling external customers to carry out the entire purchase/booking process simply and online.

To do this, the customer :

  • select the product of their choice
  • choose the date and day of their booking
  • fill in the questionnaire with their personal details
  • pay online

Once they have paid, the booking is validated and they receive a confirmation e-mail.

In the case of a first flight, for example, the pilot assigned to the flight will also receive a confirmation e-mail.

Naturally, the booking appears on the OpenFlyers internal schedule.

The complete configuration of the external reservation module is presented on this page:éservations-externes

The use of the external reservation module is presented on this page:éservations-externes

News on the coupling with e-commerce sites: