The entry of supplier invoices is now done with greater speed and less risk of error. The OpenFlyers robot detects, on an invoice downloaded on the platform, the amount and the date. Then he automatically enters this data instead of the user. If the detection is not done, the user guides the robot so that it assimilates the new format. Learning benefits all OpenFlyers platforms.
To enter a vendor invoice, you must have the Purchase Management right, which can be assigned in the Purchases tab of the Admin › Users › Profiles table.
Invoices are entered in the Admin › Purchases › Input supplier bill page. Automatic entry of the date and amount is done by uploading the invoice in the dedicated field.
If the invoice analysis rules already detect the data, the form automatically populates with the amount and date values.
When the values are not detected, the user is redirected to a page to define a new analysis rule. It provides the following information:
- The keywords to identify. For example: "Date", "Total TTC", "Amount HT", "Cost", etc.
- The position of the data to be found in relation to the keywords. For example: to 50 px on the left.
- The format of the data. For example: dd / mm / yy, ####, ##.
To access the list of analysis rules, go to the table Admin › Purchases › Supplier bill types. For each type, click on the button Modify parsing rules represented by a gearing. The rule configuration page is displayed.
The definition of new analysis rules comes after the import of a new type of invoice, most often associated with the addition of a new supplier on a given platform. However, and this is one of the strong points of this feature, the new analysis rules benefit all OpenFlyers platforms. In fact, the skills of the robot are refined thanks to the contributions of users. The more time passes, the more unaided it will detect the desired data.
Documentation on entering a supplier invoice:'une-facture-fournisseur
Documentation on the Invoice Analysis Interface:'analyse-d'une-facture-fournisseur