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(Pricing management)
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You may create qualifications checking recent experience like hours or landing number.
Like other qualifications, these ones are managed in the qualification manager (admin menu: users/qualification)
Formula checking recent experience have to be set in the "experience formula" column.
The formula knows following variables:
The formula knows following variables:

Revision as of 19:57, 29 April 2008

This page is dedicated to receive admin doc of release 2.0.

  • Lors de l'import d'utilisateurs, contrairement à la version 1.2 où il y avait une série de check-box permettant de définir les paramètres par défaut, c'est les paramètres par défaut du club qui sont appliqués.

Flight hours computation

In all formula, due to difference with interpretaion of decimal separator in various personnal computer, all values must to write without decimal separator, use X/Y to obtain correct value

Do not forget that time is given in sexacentimal. So to convert in hours you have to divide by 600.

1 minute = 10 sexacentimals
5 minutes = 50 sexacentimals
1 hundredth of minute = 6 sexacentimals
10 hundredth of minute (=1 tenth of minute) = 60 sexacentimals

Example: for 100,10 €/h

to round at 5 minutes : roundCeil(X,50)
to round with 10 hundredths : roundCeil(X,60)


Variable name description
%DURATION flight time input into the form
%COUNTER_DEPARTURE counter departure input into the form
%COUNTER_ARRIVAL counter arrival input into the form
Function description Example
max(a,b) return the maximum between a and b
min(a,b) return the minimum between a and b
abs(a) return the absolute value of a
roundCeil(a,b) return the a value round top to b roundCeil(106,5) return 110


Difference of the hours


Difference of the counters


Round difference of the hours at (top) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION, 50)

Round difference of the hours at (bottom) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION - 40, 50)

Round difference of the hours at (nearest) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION - 20, 50)

Difference of the counters plus 5 minutes


Round difference of the counters at 10 hundreth


Greater between difference of the hours and difference of the counters


Greater between difference of the hours and round difference of the counters at 5 minutes


Pricing management


The formula knows following variables:

Variable name description
%DURATION Calculated duration recorded for the flight
%COUNTER_DEPARTURE counter departure recorded for the flight
%COUNTER_ARRIVAL counter arrival recorded for the flight
Function description Example
max(a,b) return the maximum between a and b
min(a,b) return the minimum between a and b
abs(a) return the absolute value of a
roundCeil(a,b) return the a value round top to b roundCeil(106,5) return 110


  • An aircraft with a cost of 94€ per flight hours, will have:
  • An aircraft with a cost of 110€ per "counter" hours, will have:


You may create qualifications checking recent experience like hours or landing number.

Like other qualifications, these ones are managed in the qualification manager (admin menu: users/qualification)

Formula checking recent experience have to be set in the "experience formula" column.


The formula knows following variables:

Variable name description
%PILOT Pilot id
Function description Example
sumFlightHour(%PILOT,position,day,aircraftType1,aircraftType2,etc) return the flight hours for %PILOT
sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,position,day,aircraftType1,aircraftType2,etc) return the landing number



Accountancy definition from wikipedia

double entry principle

double entry definition from wikipedia

What does OpenFlyers?

OpenFlyers' goal is to manage all clients bills and only clients bills (not the suppliers one).

Thus, you got members that make some flights. For each flight, OpenFlyers debit the member account and credit the aircraft account according to the flight hours pricing rules. (in some case, it can also credit the member account and debit another account).

Account presentation

Aircraft accounts

(in French: 7xxxxx account)

Aircraft accounts are only revenues account and should only have credit.

Member accounts

(in French: 411xxx account)

  • Member accounts are debited by bills (flights, fees, ...)
  • Member accounts are also credited by member payments (credit card, check, cash, ...)

When a member account is credited by payments, the other entry (debit) is made on a club account (according to the payment management)

Club accounts

(in French: 512xxx account)

Club accounts are only bank line receiving money.

Aircraft Type


  • Goal: allow to an admin to create as many tanks (by aircraft type) as he needs.
  • Use: for each flight, the pilot would be able to say which quantity has been added for each tank created by the admin, before and/or after the flight.