
Revision as of 20:49, 4 January 2007 by Najoc (Talk | contribs) (Installation on "FREE" web hosted account)

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You should find here every thing you need to install OpenFlyers.

If you don't find the answer to your question, ask us in the forum.

Installation on "FREE" web hosted account

  • unzip the freshly downloaded OpenFlyers archive in any folder. A new folder named 'openflyers_v1_3_0' will be created
  • unzip the freshly downloaded PearPool archive in the 'openflyers_v1_3_0' folder. A new folder will be created named 'pearPool_v1_3'.
  • rename that folder as 'include';
  • in the 'openflyers_v1_3_0' folder, create a new folder named 'sessions'.
  • in the 'conf' folder, open the file named config.php and make the following changes :
     - define ('DEFAULT_LANG','francais');
     - define ('PEAR_DIRECTORY',ROOT_PATH.'/include');

Save your changes.

  • in the same folder open the file named connect.php and fill the following fields :
define ('HOST','"your login"');
define ('BASE','"your login or your MYSQL database name"');
define ('VISITOR','"your login or your specific database login"');
define ('PASSWORD_VISITOR','your password or your specific database password');
  • in the 'install' folder, open the file named install.php and replace the following paragraph :
   foreach ($pearRequiredPacks as $pearFile) {
   foreach ($explosedPaths as currentPath) {
       if (substr ($currentPath, strlen($currentPath)-1, 1) != '/') $currentPath .= '/';
       if ($handler=file_exists($currentPath.$pearFile)) {
           $openedPacks[] = $pearFile;


   foreach ($pearRequiredPacks as $pearFile) {
       if (substr ($currentPath, strlen($currentPath)-1, 1) != '/') $currentPath .= '/';
       if ($handler=file_exists($currentPath.$pearFile)) {
           $openedPacks[] = $pearFile;
  • it is almost done. We must now remove the lock table request in two files located in the 'includes' folder. The first one is named recordBooking.php. Delete lines 225 to 228 :
if (!$database->query('lock tables aircrafts as reference read, member_qualif read, 
qualification read, aircraft_qualif read, authentication as real_auth read, 
authentication as inst_auth read, aircrafts read,clubs read, members read, profiles read, 
instructors read, authentication read, exceptionnal_inst_dates read, regular_presence_inst_dates read,
booking write, logs write'))

The second is named recordInstructorsRests.php. Delete lines 90, 91 and 195 :

////////////////////////////// Main code start here /////////////////////////////////
90  if($database->query('lock tables instructors read, profiles read, authentication read,
   exceptionnal_inst_dates write, regular_presence_inst_dates write'))
91  {
195 }
  • then you must transfer all files contained in the 'openflyers_v1_3_0' folder to your remote location (do not tranfer the 'openflyers_v1_3_0' folder, only what resides in this folder.
  • finally type in your web browser http://"your login"

If an error occurs about mails, then edit the config.php file and replace the following :

define ('MAIL_HOST','@MAIL_HOST@');      // should be change : with localhost you don't send mail far  away !
define ('MAIL_AUTH_NAME','@MAIL_AUTH_NAME@');        // if you have authentication with smtp fill this.
                                                        Work only with smtp factory
define ('MAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD','@MAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD@');       // if you have authentication with smtp fill   
                                                               this. Work only with smtp factory


define ('MAIL_FACTORY','MAIL');
define ('MAIL_HOST','LOCALHOST');        // should be change : with localhost you don't send mail far away !
define ('MAIL_AUTH_NAME',' ');           // if you have authentication with smtp fill this. Work only with  
                                          smtp factory
define ('MAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD',' ');

Mail configuration

During the install, it will be ask you which mail send method shoud be used.

You have the choice between :

  • null (no mail management)
  • mail (use internal PHP Mail)
  • smtp (use the PEAR::Net_SMTP package)
  • sendmail (use sendmail generally located in the usr/sbin/ directory but you can change this (read the PEAR/Mail/sendmail.php file))

If you choose smtp, you can also specify an authentication and password couple.

The most used are "mail" and "smtp". Try and test !

To change your mail configuration after complete installation, you just have to edit the conf/config.php file. Mail parameters are :