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   sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,1,15) > 5
   sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,1,15) > 5
==Qualification example==

Revision as of 12:21, 7 March 2010

This page is dedicated to receive admin doc of release 2.1.



Menu "club/parameters"

Account management

Currency pattern

Currency pattern is built with the currency symbol defined by the user

Pattern Symbol Separator Example Some countries
Decimal Thousand
$#,##0.00;$-#,##0.00 before comma dot $-1,234.56 Defaut, USA, England, Yen
#,##0.00$;-#,##0.00$ after comma dot -1,234.56$ Algeria, Maroc
€#.##0,00;€-#.##0,00 before dot comma €-1.234,56 Italy, Belgium
#.##0,00€;-#.##0,00€ after dot comma -1.234,56€ German, Spain, Portuguese
# ##0,00€;-# ##0,00€ after comma space -1 234,56€ French, Russia
Fr#'##0.00;Fr-#'##0.00 before dot quote Fr-1'234.56 Swiss
# ##0€00;-# ##0€00 decimal replaced by symbol space -1 234€56
#,##0$00;-#,##0$00 decimal replaced by symbol comma -1,234$56

If you don't find yours, do not hesitate to advise us!

Create users

To add an user you need first:

  • To create groups (Users/Group) if needed
  • Then you go to Users/Users list and you select "ADD AN USER"

If you see in the user list that some users are displayed on a red background, it means that the field Birthdate/Sex/Nationality are not filled.

Rights list

  • Booking
    • Book alone : allows for user to book an aircraft without an instructor
    • Book anyone : allows for user to book an aircraft for another one (solo booking and/or double one, depending of rights of this third-party. Useful function for the secretary.)
    • Book instructor : allows for user to book an aircraft with an instructor
    • Book unavailable instructor : allows for user to book an aircraft with an instructor even if this one is not available at the time gap (an alert message prevents the user. Useful function for instructors and secretary).
    • Override booking by type : ?
    • Alert : enable booking functionalities like the option "receive any made booking by mail"

  • Common user
    • No auto logout : disables the auto-logout session of ~3 minutes (Useful function for guest/visitor account)
    • Update own personal data : If user can edit some of his personal data (birthdate, nationality, sexe ...)
    • Update own qualifications : allows for user to update himself his qualifications (For instructors. For pilots if the flying club doesn't want to manage those)
    • Manage own qualifications limit : enables update of fields Identifier code, Grant date, Time limit depending if the qualification has those field on/off
    • Aircraft availability management : allows to freeze an aircraft for maintenance or whatsover. It's done by booking the aircraft, an option will be avaible while doing that.
    • Instructor availability management : allows to manage any instructor availability.

  • Common admin
    • Parameter management : allows to edit various parameters for OF like disabling/enabling flight, booking, accounting, etc ...
    • Profile management : Explicit title, let this right to at least one profile (i.e : admin)
    • User management : Explicit title
    • Pool management : Explicit title, user pool
    • Aircraft management : Explicit title
    • Reports : allows to export some reports : member list, flight list, account list, etc ...
    • Statistics management : allows to create home-made reports by writing SQL query.
    • View statistics : allows to view home-made reports
    • Logs management : allows to view logging archive
    • Key management : if option is enabled, allows to manage key

  • Flight management
    • Input flight for oneself : Explicit title
    • Flight filing for others : Explicit title
    • Check and modify flights : allows to view flight logs of anyone, appoint flights, check missing flight
    • View aircraft log book :

  • Account management
    • Account management : With others rights, allows to manager accounts (club, aircraft, member, etc)
    • Input own payments : Explicit title
    • Payment filing for others : Explicit title
    • Modify payment or transfer date : Explicit title
    • Input fueling repayment : Explicit title (seems not working at the moment)
    • Check payments : allows to validate payments
    • Get cash : Explicit title
    • Manage own transfer : Explicit title
    • Transfer from anyone to anyone : Explicit title
    • Flight hours pricing : Explicit title
    • Input pricing values : Explicit title

  • Stocks manager : Coming soon
  • Sales manager : Coming soon
  • Purchases manager : allows to use purchase manager

Create instructors

  • You check the instructor box ("Type of user" in the user form) to choosen users and you don't forget to specify the "Instructors Initials"

Create aircrafts

  • You need first to create aircrafts type as needed (in Fleet/Aircraft types)
  • Then you go to Fleet/Aircraft and you select "ADD AN AIRCRAFT"

Flight hours computation

In all formula, due to difference with interpretation of decimal separator in various personnal computer, all values must to write without decimal separator, use X/Y to obtain correct value

Do not forget that time is given in sexacentimal. So to convert in hours you have to divide by 600.

1 minute = 10 sexacentimals
5 minutes = 50 sexacentimals
1 hour = 60 minutes = 600 sexacentimals
1 hundredth of hour = 6 sexacentimals
10 hundredth of hour (=1 tenth of hour) = 60 sexacentimals

Example: for 100,10 €/h

to round at 5 minutes : roundCeil(X,50)
to round with 10 hundredths : roundCeil(X,60)

Flight hour computation formula

Variable name description
%DURATION flight time input into the form
%COUNTER_DEPARTURE counter departure input into the form
%COUNTER_ARRIVAL counter arrival input into the form
Function description Example
max(a,b) return the maximum between a and b
min(a,b) return the minimum between a and b
abs(a) return the absolute value of a
roundCeil(a,b) return the a value round top to b roundCeil(106,5) return 110

Flight hour computation examples

Difference of the hours


Difference of the counters


Round difference of the hours at (top) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION, 50)

Round difference of the hours at (bottom) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION - 40, 50)

Round difference of the hours at (nearest) 5 minutes

roundCeil(%DURATION - 20, 50)

Difference of the counters plus 5 minutes


Round difference of the counters at 10 hundreth


Greater between difference of the hours and difference of the counters


Greater between difference of the hours and round difference of the counters at 5 minutes


Difference of the counters rounded to the nearest 5 minutes


Example of results

input value output value
10 10
11 10
12 10
13 15
14 15
15 15

Pricing management

Pricing management formula

The formula knows following variables:

Variable name Description Category
%DURATION Calculated duration recorded for the flight Pricing
%COUNTER_DEPARTURE counter departure recorded for the flight Pricing
%COUNTER_ARRIVAL counter arrival recorded for the flight Pricing
%NOW_DATE date of the input flight Pricing / Sale Pricing
%START_DATE date of the begin of the flight Pricing / Sale Pricing
%USER_TZ User timezone Pricing / Sale Pricing
%ENTITY_TZ Entity timezone/Club default timezone Pricing / Sale Pricing
%PILOT The pilot id Pricing
%USER_ID The user id Sale Pricing
%QTY Quantity Sale Pricing
%ACCOUNT1 Debit account id Pricing
%ACCOUNT2 Credit account id Pricing
Function Description Example
max(a,b) return the maximum between a and b
min(a,b) return the minimum between a and b
abs(a) return the absolute value of a
roundCeil(a,b) return the a value round top to b roundCeil(106,5) return 110
formatDate('pattern',%SOME_DATE) return the formatted %SOME_DATE formatDate('%w',%START_DATE) returns the day of week of START_DATE
addTime(%SOME_DATE, %SOME_TZ) Returns %SOME_DATE with added time depending of %SOME_TZ addTime(%NOW_DATE, %USER_TZ) returns the current date converted to user timezone by adding timezone time difference
subTime(%SOME_DATE, %SOME_TZ) Returns %SOME_DATE with substracted time depeding of %SOME_TZ subTime(%NOW_DATE, 'Europe/Paris') returns the current date converted to France timezone by substracting timezone time difference
sumFlightTime(%PILOT, 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'position' ) Returns the total flight time of a pilot since a starting date. Position at 0 is first pilot, position at 1 is second pilot sumFlightTime(%PILOT, 2008, 01, 01, 00, 00, 0 ) returns the total flight time of first pilot since 2008-01-01 00:00:00
getFlowSumBetweenAccount('accound id 1', 'account id 2', 'start date', 'end date') Returns the balance difference betweent account 1 and account 2 from a start date to an end date getFlowSumBetweenAccount(%ACCOUNT1, %ACCOUNT2, '2008-01-01', %NOW_DATE)

Allowed operators / Conditional operator

Operator Example Result
(condition) ? true : false ($DR1 > 100) ? 1 : 0 If variable $DR1 is superior to 100, 1 is returned else 0 is returned
OR ( formatDate('%w', %NOW_DATE) == 0 OR formatDate('%w', %NOW_DATE) == 6) ? 100 : 200 Returns 100 if we are on saturday or sunday else it returns 200
AND ( formatDate('%w', %NOW_DATE) > 0 AND formatDate('%w', %NOW_DATE) < 6) ? 100 : 200 Returns 100 if we are not on saturday or sunday else it returns 200

Allowed timezone

See here

formatDate possible pattern

  • %a abbreviated weekday name (Sun, Mon, Tue)
  • %A full weekday name (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
  • %b abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, Mar)
  • %B full month name (January, February, March)
  • %C century number (the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, range 00 to 99)
  • %d day of month (range 00 to 31)
  • %D same as "%m/%d/%y"
  • %e day of month, single digit (range 0 to 31)
  • %E number of days since unspecified epoch (integer, Date_Calc::dateToDays())
  • %H hour as decimal number (00 to 23)
  • %I hour as decimal number on 12-hour clock (01 to 12)
  • %j day of year (range 001 to 366)
  • %m month as decimal number (range 01 to 12)
  • %M minute as a decimal number (00 to 59)
  • %n newline character (\n)
  • %O dst-corrected timezone offset expressed as "+/-HH:MM"
  • %o raw timezone offset expressed as "+/-HH:MM"
  • %p either 'am' or 'pm' depending on the time
  • %P either 'AM' or 'PM' depending on the time
  • %r time in am/pm notation, same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
  • %R time in 24-hour notation, same as "%H:%M"
  • %s seconds including the decimal representation smaller than one second
  • %S seconds as a decimal number (00 to 59)
  • %t tab character (\t)
  • %T current time, same as "%H:%M:%S"
  • %w weekday as decimal (0 = Sunday)
  • %U week number of current year, first sunday as first week
  • %y year as decimal (range 00 to 99)
  • %Y year as decimal including century (range 0000 to 9999)
  • %% literal '%'

Pricing management example

  • An aircraft with a cost of 94 € per flight hours, will have:
  • An aircraft with a cost of 110 € per "counter" hours, will have:
  • When it's week-end, the cost (100 €) per flight hours is cut to half, the formula will be:
(formatDate('%w', %START_DATE) == 0 OR formatDate('%w', %START_DATE) == 6) ? 50*%DURATION/600 : 100*%DURATION/600


You may define your own qualifications (licence, medical, etc.)

For doing that, you got several parameters available:

Time limitation

For qualifications with a time limitation (pilots will have a date to set for this kind of qualification)

Identifier code management

Add a field for entering the id of the qualification attached to the pilot

Obtaining date management

Add a date field for the obtention date of the qualification

Reserved to instructors

Qualifications reserved to instructors

Blocking qualification

Qualifications will be blocking for flight (not for reservation)

Recent experience: "experience formula"

You may create qualifications checking recent experience like hours or landing number.

Like other qualifications, these ones are managed in the qualification manager (admin menu: users/qualification)

Formula checking recent experience have to be set in the "experience formula" column.

In order to make them work after inputting a flight, you have to set on which flight type and/or aircraft type you want the check to be triggered. For flight type, go to admin menu: flights/flight types then go to section Required qualifications (if alone onboard) for a given flight type and check the recent experience. For aircraft type, go to admin menu: fleet/aircraft types then go to section Aircraft types. In qualification column, click onto the image that gonna lead you to a new page then check the recent experience.

Qualification formula

The formula knows following variables:

Variable name description
%PILOT Pilot id
Function description Example
sumFlightHour(%PILOT,position,day,aircraftType1,aircraftType2,etc) return the flight hours for %PILOT
sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,position,day,aircraftType1,aircraftType2,etc) return the landing number

position : 0 for first pilot, 1 for second pilot.

Example 1 : if first pilot has done more than 5 landing in the last 30 days on aircraft type 1.

 sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,0,30,1) > 5

Example 2 : if second pilot has done more thant 5 landing in the last 15 days on any aircraft type.

 sumLandingNumber(%PILOT,1,15) > 5

Qualification example


Accountancy tips and tricks

Accounting formula

  • Sales variables
Variable name description
%QTY stock item
  • Account Export variables
Variable name description
%MEMBER_NUM account owner member id
%LASTNAME account owner last name
%FIRSTNAME account owner first name
%ACCOUNT_TYPE account type
%AUTO_INCREMENT auto incremental value
%AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN account owner login
Function description Example
substr(string,a,b) return the portion of string specified by a which represents the starting point (0 being "from the first character") and b which represents the number of character to get . substr(%LASTNAME, 0, 5)

Accounting example

Price item


"THING" + unique value for each account


711 + 3 first letters of login + unique value


655 + 2nd letter of login + 3rd letter of login

 655+substr(%AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN, 1, 2)

Aircraft Type


  • Goal: allow to an admin to create as many tanks (by aircraft type) as he needs.
  • Use: for each flight, the pilot would be able to say which quantity has been added for each tank created by the admin, before and/or after the flight.

How to create a tank

  • Go to Fleet/Aircraft types
  • then action "modify" for a choosen aircraft type
  • At the bottom of the page (bellow "Tank" title):
    • Fill the "Tank" text area with the choosen name (ex: "main tank")
    • Choose a fuel type and an unit
    • Clic on the "Add" button


Admin are allowed to create their own database SQL extract and to see them on their browser or to save them in an XML file via the "REPORTS" menu.

Get the list of members whom had subscribed this year

SELECT first_name,last_name FROM authentication
RIGHT JOIN member ON member.id=authentication.id WHERE year(member.subscription)=$year
ORDER BY last_name,first_name

User import

You can import member via a CSV file (see details in the concerned page). Here below some particularities with the import file :

  • About sex : use M for male and F for female. Others characters and no value mean undefined sex.
  • About dates : allowed formats are YYYY-MM-DD and DD-MM-YYYY. D represents the day as a two-digits number, M represents the month as a two-digits number and Y represents the year as a four-digits number. In case you specify a bad format, the import will end at the current line where the error was found, leaving a red message. The current member and the following won't be imported.
  • About nationality, use code id. To get code id of your nationality, check here.