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(Global account balance of users who last subscription was 2 years ago)
(Customer bill per month and per accounting)
Line 146: Line 146:
* Variable '''$year''' should be defined first and should be of '''Year''' value type.
* Variable '''$year''' should be defined first and should be of '''Year''' value type.
<sql>SELECT account.name AS 'Client', resource_type.name AS 'Ressource', product.label AS 'Produit', SUM(customer_bill_entry.qty) AS 'Qte', SUM(customer_bill_entry.debit) AS 'Prix'
<sql>SELECT account.name AS '_tr(CUSTOMER)', resource_type.name AS '_tr(RESOURCE)', product.label AS '_tr(PRODUCT)', SUM(customer_bill_entry.qty) AS '_tr(QUANTITY)', SUM(customer_bill_entry.debit) AS '_tr(AMOUNT)'
FROM customer_bill_entry
FROM customer_bill_entry
LEFT JOIN account_entry ON (account_entry.flow_id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_flow_id AND account_entry.id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_id)
LEFT JOIN account_entry ON (account_entry.flow_id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_flow_id AND account_entry.id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_id)
Line 160: Line 160:
   AND YEAR(account_entry.account_date) = '$year'
   AND YEAR(account_entry.account_date) = '$year'
   AND MONTH(account_entry.account_date) = '$month'
   AND MONTH(account_entry.account_date) = '$month'
GROUP BY account.id, resource_type.id, product.id</sql>
GROUP BY account.id, resource_type.id, product.id
ORDER BY account.name</sql>
=Get the details (specially the id) of an account according its name=
=Get the details (specially the id) of an account according its name=

Revision as of 21:27, 17 October 2020


This page lists SQL requests for OpenFlyers release 4 export about Accounting.

Balances of resource accounts

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
  • Variable $endDate should be defined first and should be of value type Date and time value type.
    'SELECT resource.name,',
            ' (SELECT sumAccountEntry(account.id, \'$endDate\') AS balance
               FROM account
               LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type=account_type.id)
               WHERE account_type.activated=1
                 AND account.category=3
                 AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= \'$endDate\') )
                 AND account.owner_id=resource.id
                 AND account.account_type=',
            ') AS \'',
            REPLACE(account_type.name, '\'', '\\\''),
    ', (SELECT SUM(sumAccountEntry(account.id, \'$endDate\')) AS balance
       FROM account
       LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type=account_type.id)
       WHERE account_type.activated=1
         AND account.category=3
         AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= \'$endDate\') )
         AND account.owner_id=resource.id
       GROUP BY account.owner_id
    ) AS \'Total\'
    FROM resource WHERE resource.physical=1 AND resource.activated=1 GROUP BY resource.id
    SELECT \'Total global\',',
            ' (SELECT SUM(sumAccountEntry(account.id, \'$endDate\')) AS balance
               FROM account
               LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type=account_type.id)
               WHERE account_type.activated=1
                 AND account.category=3
                 AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= \'$endDate\') )
                 AND account.account_type=',
            ') AS \'',
            REPLACE(account_type.name, '\'', '\\\''),
    ', (SELECT SUM(sumAccountEntry(account.id, \'$endDate\')) AS balance
       FROM account
       LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type=account_type.id)
       WHERE account_type.activated=1
         AND account.category=3
         AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= \'$endDate\') )
    ) AS \'Total\''
), 'SELECT \'\'')
FROM account_type
LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account_type.accounting_id
WHERE account_type.category=3
  AND account_type.activated=1
  AND accounting.id='$accountingId'

Carry forwards

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
    IF (account.category = 2, CONCAT(person.last_name,'  
',IFNULL(person.first_name, ''),' (',account_type.name,')'),
    IF (account.category = 3,CONCAT(resource.name,'  
(',account_type.name,')'),account.name)) AS Nom,
    export_account AS Code_comptable,
    debit AS 'Debit',
    credit AS 'Credit'
FROM account
LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account.accounting_id 
LEFT JOIN balance ON balance.account_id=account.id
LEFT JOIN person ON person.id=account.owner_id AND account.category = 2
LEFT JOIN resource ON resource.id=account.owner_id AND account.category = 3
LEFT JOIN account_type ON account_type.id=account.account_type
WHERE account.activated = 1
  AND balance.balance_date_id = (SELECT balance_date.id FROM balance_date ORDER BY balance_date.id DESC LIMIT 1)
  AND accounting.id='$accountingId'
  AND (
      (person.id IS NULL AND resource.id IS NULL)
      (person.activated=1 AND account.category=2)
      (resource.activated=1 AND account.category=3)

Category account balance

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
        WHEN account.category=1 THEN '_tr(OTHER_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account_type.name IS NOT NULL AND (account.category=2) THEN CONCAT('_tr(MEMBER_ACCOUNT)', ' - ', account_type.name)
        WHEN account_type.name IS NOT NULL AND (account.category=3) THEN CONCAT('_tr(RESOURCE_ACCOUNT)', ' - ', account_type.name)
        WHEN account.category=4 THEN '_tr(SUPPLIER_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=6 THEN '_tr(ACCOUNT_VAT_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=7 THEN '_tr(ACCOUNT_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=8 THEN '_tr(TREASURY_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=9 THEN '_tr(PRODUCT_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=10 THEN '_tr(BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT)'
        WHEN account.category=11 THEN '_tr(CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT)'
        ELSE account.name
    IFNULL(SUM( sumAccountEntry(account.id,NOW())),0) AS '_tr(ACCOUNT_BALANCE)'
FROM account
LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account.accounting_id 
LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type = account_type.id AND account.category IN(2,3))
LEFT JOIN person ON (account.owner_id = person.id AND account.category=2)
LEFT JOIN resource ON (account.owner_id = resource.id AND account.category=3)
WHERE account.activated = 1
  AND accounting.id='$accountingId'
  AND (
      (person.id IS NULL AND resource.id IS NULL)
      (person.activated=1 AND account.category=2)
      (resource.activated=1 AND account.category=3)
GROUP BY account.category

Cheque deposit slip

SELECT date_format(ae.registration_date, "%d/%m/%Y") as "date", a.name, formatDecimal(ae.credit) as montant, ae.payment_description as libelle, 
(SELECT a2.name FROM account_entry ae2 JOIN account a2 ON a2.id = ae2.account_id WHERE ae2.flow_id = ae.flow_id AND ae2.debit > 0 LIMIT 0,1) as compte_banque, ae.comments as commentaire
FROM account_entry ae
JOIN account a
  ON ae.account_id = a.id
WHERE a.account_type = 1
  AND ae.validated = 1
  AND ae.credit > 0
ORDER BY ae.registration_date DESC

Customer bill per month and per accounting

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbOject::Accounting value type.
  • Variable $month should be defined first and should be of Month value type.
  • Variable $year should be defined first and should be of Year value type.
SELECT account.name AS '_tr(CUSTOMER)', resource_type.name AS '_tr(RESOURCE)', product.label AS '_tr(PRODUCT)', SUM(customer_bill_entry.qty) AS '_tr(QUANTITY)', SUM(customer_bill_entry.debit) AS '_tr(AMOUNT)'
FROM customer_bill_entry
LEFT JOIN account_entry ON (account_entry.flow_id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_flow_id AND account_entry.id=customer_bill_entry.account_entry_id)
LEFT JOIN account ON (account.id=account_entry.account_id)
LEFT JOIN accounting ON (accounting.id=account.accounting_id)
LEFT JOIN product ON (product.id=customer_bill_entry.product_id)
LEFT JOIN flight_account_entry ON (account_entry.flow_id=flight_account_entry.account_entry_id)
LEFT JOIN flight ON (flight.id=flight_account_entry.flight_id)
LEFT JOIN resource ON (resource.id=flight.aircraft_id)
LEFT JOIN resource_type ON (resource_type.id=resource.resource_type_id)
WHERE account.category = 2
  AND accounting.id = '$accountingId'
  AND YEAR(account_entry.account_date) = '$year'
  AND MONTH(account_entry.account_date) = '$month'
GROUP BY account.id, resource_type.id, product.id
ORDER BY account.name

Get the details (specially the id) of an account according its name

SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE `name` LIKE 'account name to search'

Get the user owner of an account

SELECT * FROM person RIGHT JOIN account ON person.id=account.owner_id WHERE account.id=114

Global account balance

List whole account balance at the end of a given date :

  • Variable $endDate should be defined first and should be of Date and time value type.
  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
SELECT account.id, export_account, account.name,
IFNULL(sumAccountEntry(account.id, '$endDate'), 0) AS solde
FROM account
LEFT JOIN accounting ON (accounting.id=account.accounting_id)
LEFT JOIN person ON (person.id=account.owner_id AND account.category=2)
LEFT JOIN resource ON (resource.id=account.owner_id AND account.category=3)
WHERE accounting.id='$accountingId'
  AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= '$endDate') )

Global account balance last subscription

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
  • Variable $validityTypeId should be defined first and should be of dbOjectMulti::ValidityType value type.
    CONCAT(last_name, ' ', first_name) AS '_tr(FULL_NAME)',
    validity_type.name AS '_tr(VALIDITY)',
    grant_date AS '_tr(VALIDITY_GRANT_DATE)',
        SELECT SUM(account_entry.credit) - SUM(account_entry.debit)
        FROM account_entry 
        WHERE account_entry.account_id = account.id
          AND account_entry.account_date > (
              SELECT balance_date 
              FROM balance_date
              ORDER BY balance_date DESC
              LIMIT 1
          )), 0
    ) + balance.credit - balance.debit AS Total
FROM person
LEFT JOIN validity ON validity.person_id = person.id AND validity.is_current_validity = 1
LEFT JOIN validity_type ON validity_type.id = validity.validity_type_id
LEFT JOIN account ON account.owner_id = person.id AND account.category = 2
LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account.accounting_id
LEFT JOIN balance ON balance.account_id = account.id
  AND balance.balance_date_id = (
      SELECT id
      FROM balance_date
      ORDER BY balance_date ASC
      LIMIT 1
  AND ( validity_type.id IN ($validityTypeId) OR '-' IN ($validityTypeId) )
  AND CAST(accounting.id AS CHAR) ='$accountingId'
  AND account.activated = 1
  AND person.activated = 1
  AND validity_type.activated = 1
GROUP BY person.id, validity_type.id
ORDER BY `_tr(FULL_NAME)`, validity_type.name

Global non null account balance

  • List whole account balance at the end of a given date but for only non null account balance
  • Variable $endDate should be defined first and should be of Date and time value type.
  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
SELECT CONCAT( '[LINK=index.php?menuAction=account_journal&menuParameter=', tmp_accounts.id, ']', tmp_accounts.id, '[/LINK]' ) AS '_tr(ID)', tmp_accounts.export_account AS '_tr(ACCOUNT_EXPORT)', tmp_accounts.name AS '_tr(ACCOUNT)',
tmp_accounts.balance AS '_tr(ACCOUNT_BALANCE)' FROM (
    SELECT account.id, export_account, account.name,
    IFNULL(sumAccountEntry(account.id,'$endDate'), 0) AS balance
    FROM account
    LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account.accounting_id 
    LEFT JOIN person ON (person.id=account.owner_id AND account.category=2)
    LEFT JOIN resource ON (resource.id=account.owner_id AND account.category=3)
    WHERE (account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= '$endDate') )
    AND accounting.id='$accountingId'
    HAVING balance NOT IN ('0', '0.00', '0,00')
    ORDER BY export_account
) AS tmp_accounts

List of all account debit, credit

  • Variable $accountingId should be defined first and should be of dbObject::Accounting value type.
  • Variable $endDate should be defined first and should be of Date and time value type.
    account.export_account AS 'Export account',
        WHEN account_type.name IS NOT NULL AND account.category=2 THEN CONCAT('User account ', account_type.name, ' of ', person.last_name, ' ', IFNULL(person.first_name, ''))
        WHEN account_type.name IS NOT NULL AND account.category=3 THEN CONCAT('Aircraft account ', account_type.name, ' of ', resource.name)
        WHEN account.category=1 THEN CONCAT('Other account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=4 THEN CONCAT('Supplier account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=6 THEN CONCAT('VAT account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=7 THEN CONCAT('Expense account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=8 THEN CONCAT('Treasury account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=9 THEN CONCAT('Product account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=10 THEN CONCAT('Balance sheet account ', account.name)
        WHEN account.category=11 THEN CONCAT('Customer account ', account.name)
        ELSE account.name
    END AS account_name,
    IF( (@sumAccountEntry := sumAccountEntry(account.id,'$endDate')) < 0, @sumAccountEntry, 0 )  AS Debit,
    IF( @sumAccountEntry < 0, 0, @sumAccountEntry ) AS Credit
FROM account
LEFT JOIN accounting ON accounting.id=account.accounting_id 
LEFT JOIN account_type ON (account.account_type = account_type.id AND account.category IN(2,3))
LEFT JOIN person ON (account.owner_id = person.id AND account.category=2)
LEFT JOIN resource ON (account.owner_id = resource.id AND account.category=3)
WHERE accounting.id='$accountingId'
  AND ( account.activated=1 OR (account.activated=0 AND account.deactivated_date >= '$endDate') )
GROUP BY account.id 
ORDER BY account.export_account ASC

Monthly distribution of revenue

  • In french accounting, this query reports each month's revenue distribution. It only concerns product accounts (prefixed 7xx) except those that are prefixed 709xxx
  • Additional field $year is needed
SELECT account_name,
    ( IF(febSum<0, febSum, 0) - IF(janSum<0, janSum, 0) + IF(febSum<0, 0, febSum) - IF(janSum<0, 0, janSum) ) AS Janu,
    ( IF(marSum<0, marSum, 0) - IF(febSum<0, febSum, 0) + IF(marSum<0, 0, marSum) - IF(febSum<0, 0, febSum) ) AS Febr,
    ( IF(aprSum<0, aprSum, 0) - IF(marSum<0, marSum, 0) + IF(aprSum<0, 0, aprSum) - IF(marSum<0, 0, marSum) ) AS Marc,
    ( IF(maySum<0, maySum, 0) - IF(aprSum<0, aprSum, 0) + IF(maySum<0, 0, maySum) - IF(aprSum<0, 0, aprSum) ) AS April,
    ( IF(junSum<0, junSum, 0) - IF(maySum<0, maySum, 0) + IF(junSum<0, 0, junSum) - IF(maySum<0, 0, maySum) ) AS May,
    ( IF(julSum<0, julSum, 0) - IF(junSum<0, junSum, 0) + IF(julSum<0, 0